Step enb memorys ettings
Step enb memorys ettings

step enb memorys ettings

I would restore your ENB to defaults (enbs ini files have the ability to auto detect appropriate memory settings, it just isn't always accurate) and see how you run with the skse memory management going on. I realize it's phrased like a joke, but that's the actual setting to enable the different default memory management created by an enb/skse forum poster (Sheson). If it's not there, right click and make a new text document, naming it skse.ini.

step enb memorys ettings

Go to Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE. It enabled me to use 8MB shadows instead of being limited to 4, where before this tweak was used I was getting like 15 fps at 8MB shadows. Okay, so while I realize this is not a direct answer to your question (I don't know the answer off the top of my head), it may help with a variety of skyrim issues, both fps issues and outright crashing.

Step enb memorys ettings